One Caring Adult Becomes A Child's Voice
In 2022, an advocate served an 8-year-old boy diagnosed with Serve Autism Spectrum Disorder, AHAD, ODD, and general anxiety. He was initially brought to the court's attention due to significant truancy, although truancy was the tip of the iceberg. Due to his challenging behaviors, the parents could not control him and subsequently allowed him to have a diet of only ramen noodles, pizza, and hot Cheetos. He had not been toilet trained and was constantly impacted with chronic constipation. He was non-verbal and non-responsive other than aggressive behaviors around food. He was obese, with a weight of over 150 lbs. He would stay up most nights and sleep during the day. His parents did not want to work on reintegration with him and refused to participate in any tasks to have him move back with them.
He was placed with his maternal grandmother, who had to give the foster care agency the notice to move him due to his challenging behaviors. He was then placed with two different foster families, who struggled to support him. During that time, the advocate made a referral to Family Centered Autism Counseling Center, which assigned a home therapist. His fourth placement was with his maternal aunt and uncle in Ottawa, who was open to using behavioral strategies to support him.
With the advocate, therapist, and family support, this young man is flourishing and is being adopted by his aunt and uncle. He has lost weight; his diet has a variety of food, and he is becoming healthy. He can communicate by simple words or gestures now and sleeps with a weighted blanket throughout the night. He is no longer truant and has a 1:1 para to support him at school.
The advocate who organized his services and advocated for him throughout the court process is commended for her ongoing research to find the best support for him; she was the one constant adult in his case from beginning to adoption.